Move Your Blog From Squarespace To WordPress

A Complete Guide To Move Your Blog From Squarespace To WordPress

There are different kinds of platforms to build your website and Squarespace is one of the famous platforms.

But every platform has some limitations and many Squarespace users are trying to find any other CMS.

As you all know, WordPress is one of the hottest topics in this new era of blogging. But most of the people fret when they read about the technical things.

In this tutorial, you will learn the easiest way to move your blog from Squarespace to WordPress.

Squarespace provides the freedom to export the content of a blog only for WordPress. You just have to export and import the data.

What Do You Need To Do Before Starting

To start a blog with WordPress ( we are talking about ), you would need a web hosting and a domain name.

If already have a custom domain name with Squarespace then you may also want to transfer that. If you don’t have any custom domain name then buy a domain name.

But don’t make the domain name mistakes people make.

To start a professional blog, you should always choose a reliable web hosting which can stand for long.

We recommend Inmotionhosting and Bluehost. If you want more affordable hosting then try Greengeeks or iPage.

What Are The Steps Required To Move Your Blog from Squarespace To WordPress

Let me give you an overview.

  1. Install WordPress
  2. Export content from Squarespace.
  3. Import content into WordPress.
  4. Export Images from Squarespace
  5. Export Other Content From Squarespace.
  6. Set Proper Permalinks.
  7. Explore WordPress.

These are the basic steps to migrate the whole data from Squarespace to your WordPress blog.

1. Install WordPress.

After buying a web host, you would need to install WordPress. Most of the web hosting providers give a one-click WordPress installation.

You can install WordPress using cPanel manually. You Can also use any other tool like Softaculous.

There are different tutorials as mentioned in here.

2. Export Content From Squarespace

Now is the time to export the content of your Squarespace blog.

Login to your account and go to Settings>>Advanced>>Import/Export.

Click on that option and you will see two options. One is for exporting the content and another one is to import.

Click on “Export” button.

A popup would appear where you can easily see the WordPress logo. Click on that logo.

Squarespace will gather all the data of your blog and after finishing, you will see an option to download it.

Just click on the “download” button and an XML will get downloaded to your computer. Keep this file safe and don’t make any changes.

3. Import Content Into WordPress

You have successfully downloaded the backup of your Squarespace blog. Now, you have to upload that data to WordPress.

Login to your WordPress login panel and go to Tools>>Import.

A new page would appear to you. You will see many options. As there is no specific option for Squarespace so you have to use the WordPress importer.

Click on “install now” link below “WordPress” and go head to install it. It’s a plugin which helps to import the data.

After installation, you will see an option to run importer.

By mistake, if you close that page, you can find the WordPress importer plugin in the plugin section.

After running it, you will see a button to “Choose file”, click on that button and pick the backup file from your computer you imported from your Squarespace blog.

After that click on the “Upload and Import” button.

The file will get uploaded within a few seconds depending on the size.

After that, you will be asked to assign all the posts to any WordPress user. Whether you can assign to the user you have created while installing WordPress or create a new one.

Click on the submit button and you will see the success notification.

You have successfully imported the data into your WordPress blog.

This is the most important step when you move your blog from Squarespace to WordPress.

4. Export Images From Squarespace

It’s possible that the images of your posts won’t appear in WordPress.

It’s because the WordPress importer doesn’t help you in exporting the images. You have to do it manually.

Save your images to your computer and add in your blog posts using the WordPress post editor.

Currently, there is no specific plugin which is updated and can do this job. So, you have to put some effort.

5. Export Other Content from Squarespace

As we’re talking about the limitations, Squarespace doesn’t let you export all the content.

If you have installed any audio or video file in Squarespace, you have to export that manually.

People are really into podcasting now. So if you too have uploaded any then again upload it to your WordPress media library.

Well, you would be happy to know that you can add video to WordPress without even consuming any space. Just use the YouTube videos and embed them into WordPress.

The same goes for the audios. You can embed audio in WordPress by using the SoundCloud server or any other website.

If you want to use the WordPress then you can even create an audio playlist in WordPress media library.

And if you were selling any products then use Woocommerce plugin to upload those products to your WordPress site.

6. Set Proper Permalink Structures

To match the permalinks of your Squarespace blog, you have to set it from your WordPress settings.

Just go to Settings>>Permalinks and a new page would get opened.

Choose the “Day And Name” option.

You would see the custom structure at the bottom.

In some Squarespace blogs, the permalinks may consist your blog name or simply “blog” as the prefix of the permalinks.

You should check that.

If there is any prefix then you have to edit the “Custom Structure” by adding that prefix.

Suppose the prefix is “blog” then the permalinks would be like this.


I have added “blog” in the front as a prefix.

If you don’t see any prefix then just use the date and name permalinks structure.

This is also an important step to move your blog from Squarespace to WordPress and keeping the SEO.

7. Explore WordPress

If you want to use the same beautiful Squarespace template on a WordPress blog then it’s not possible.

You have to buy a better-looking theme. You can also use a free theme from the WordPress repository.

But it’s always recommended to buy a premium theme which fits your blog.

There are many theme providers.

And if you want the design of your choice then the best thing is to hire some to build a custom theme for you.

You can contact us for that.

Install Plugins.

There are many WordPress plugins which should be installed to handle your blog properly.

For SEO, Yoast SEO is one of the best plugins.

You should know the contact form plugins so that people can contact you directly from your blog.

Learn about the basic SEO tips and tricks to achieve the better ranking.

There are many blog traffic tactics to drive more people to your blog. And don’t forget to learn about the WordPress mistakes people make.

Did You Move Your Blog From Squarespace To WordPress

If you have followed each and every step mentioned above, you would possibly be live on your WordPress blog.

I have experienced that people keep asking for the solutions in the Facebook groups because most of them have come to know about WordPress.

It’s one of the best open source platforms which provides many features.

You can do anything with WordPress.

Most of the professionals recommend WordPress to have a perfect and professional blog. I hope now, you can move your blog from Squarespace to WordPress successfully.

And if you’re directly starting with WordPress then you should read these 7 tips to start your own blog and make money from it.

If you face any problem, feel free to drop a comment.

You can also connect with us on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Hi Ravi,

    Fab tutorial! I know many that are talking about Squarespace and have said they like it better than WordPress. I have yet to look at Squarespace but I don’t think anything could top WordPress. ?

    Passing this along!


    1. Hey Bren,

      I have tried Squarespace once and it’s quite a user-friendly platform but it doesn’t let you give the freedom as WordPress does. Many people want to move their blog to WordPress.

      I hope this guide will help.

      Thanks for your support.


  2. Hello Ravi,

    Awesome Guide it is! Though I have never used Squarespace, it is indeed a good read to know about moving to WordPress from it. I am keeping it my list for future reference as I may need it.

    Thanks. Have a nice week ahead.

    1. Hey Atish,

      As WordPress is the fastest growing platform so everyone is heading towards it. Many Squarespace users want to use this amazing platform. So thought to create a guide for their start.

      I hope this will help them.

      Thanks for stopping by.

      Enjoy your day.


  3. Hey Ravi,

    WordPress is really a amazing CMS platform no doubt. From my best knowledge Squarespace has many restrictions and you don’t get all of the features that you may need. But when we comes to WordPress it allows you to do almost anything you want with your website.

    It is completely an open source platform with flexible in sense of features. So it can be good choice for people to proceed their blogging on WordPress CMS. You have discovered a good tutorial to migrate From Squarespace to WordPress and it will very helpful for master guidence. Eventually, thanks for sharing your thought with us.

    With best regards,

    Amar kumar

    1. Hi Amar,

      Both the platforms have their own advantages but WordPress is more advanced than Squarespace. And if you want to build a professional blog, WordPress puts more cheese than any other platform.

      This guide can help you to have the same blog you had on Squarespace.

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts.


  4. Hi Ravi

    Very well researched tutorial with a lot of new info that it helps people get rid of so many irksome issues that otherwise they could have faced.

    For those who don’t have coding knowledge take it like a rocket science to transfer from one platform to another. Especially while maintaining URL of each blot post same they get confused and do a mistake that they have to cover up with redirect option ultimately.

    Many thanks for sharing this very beneficial tutorial.

    Have a great Tuesday

    1. Hey Muba,

      In the past few years, I have researched on almost every blogging platform. Squarespace was quite new for me it took me a couple of months of analyzing its merits and demerits.

      This guide is for the people who are afraid of coding. Just the simple steps and within no time, anyone can have a WordPress blog.

      Thanks for taking the time to share.


  5. Hi Ravi,

    You really outdid yourself here. This will be a helpful post for anyone looking to migrate their Squarespace site to WordPress without losing their minds.

    I love the visuals and the fact that you laid out each of your steps with details. I’ve never used Squarespace, but I know a lot of others do and they may decide, after some time doing serious blogging, to move to WP. Seems like a natural direction.

    I’ll be the first one to admit that I find technology confusing, so if I were in need of this, your post would be the perfect solution.

    Another superb post Ravi ?

    1. Hey Dana,

      It’s important to add the screenshots to guide the users. People need to be taught like a kid and that’s what I do. Make things simple which help people to pursue their dream.

      Moving your blog from Squarespace to WordPress is the right decision which is in need to be done for professional blogging.

      Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts.


  6. Hi Ravi,

    I’ve long been an advocate of having your own WordPress site that you have complete control over. As more and more people turn to blogging as a form of income, people will want to move off sitebuilder sites like SquareSpace so that they can have more control over their content. Thanks for a timely and well-documented tutorial on how to do that!

    1. Hey Ruth,

      People are more into sharing their experience which requires a reliable platform like WordPress. Squarespace has its limitations due to a congested platform.

      People need a guide to take one step further.

      Thanks for stopping by.


  7. Well done Ravi! Amazing how folks are on platforms other than WP dot org. Gotta migrate eventually to build a thriving business over the long haul. I have been on dot org for my main domain, but went live on a few free platforms and then closed ’em out over the years, learning my lesson. Go self-hosted or go home LOL.

    Thanks for sharing ?


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